What is Stand Up To Cancer Canada?
For too long, cancer has been the leading cause of death in Canada. It’s time to stop cancer in its tracks. Stand Up To Cancer Canada (SU2C Canada), a program of SU2C Canada, aims to build broad support for a groundbreaking “translational” research model that can produce meaningful advances in cancer treatment. With the goal of accelerating the pace at which new therapies get to patients, SU2C Canada will enable leading scientists in different disciplines from multiple institutions to work together.
Stand Up To Cancer Canada Dream Teams bring together a group of outstanding laboratory researchers, clinical experts, and breast cancer patient advocates from across Canada. The SU2C Canada-CBCF Breast Cancer Dream Team is the first to be announced since SU2C Canada was launched in 2014.

80,800 Canadians will die this year from cancer. We can’t act fast enough. Join us and invest in life-saving cancer research.
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The purpose of SU2C Canada is to establish and support a focused and intense effort to put these advances in the treatment and prevention of cancer into effect as rapidly as possible. SU2C Canada believes that it can benefit the most patients by accelerating the course of cancer research through raising philanthropic dollars and developing unique mechanisms to utilize these funds.
The number of new cancer cases and cancer deaths continues to rise steadily as the Canadian population grows and ages. Four types of cancer – lung, breast, colorectal and prostate – account for 52% of newly diagnosed cancers.